Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Painting Room

Henry Fuseli
Mr. Fuseli's Painting Room, Somerset House
c. 1825
Victoria & Albert Museum

The Swiss-born artist Henry Fuseli (1741-1825) spent most of his working life in England, where he made himself into the recognized master of Romantic exoticism while simultaneously achieving power within the Royal Academy. The Fuseli drawings, paintings and prints grouped here are all preserved at the Victoria & Albert Museum.

Henry Fuseli
Study of Woman with Elaborate Hairstyle (the Artist's Wife)
Victoria & Albert Museum 

Henry Fuseli
Victoria & Albert Museum

Henry Fuseli
Portrait-study of Martha Hess
Victoria & Albert Museum

Henry Fuseli
fragment of The Dream of Queen Katherine from Shakespeare's Henry VIII
Victoria & Albert Museum

Henry Fuseli
fragment of The Dream of Queen Katherine from Shakespeare's Henry VIII
Victoria & Albert Museum

Henry Fuseli
fragment of The Dream of Queen Katherine from Shakespeare's Henry VIII
Victoria & Albert Museum

Henry Fuseli
Study for Self-portrait
 Victoria & Albert Museum

Henry Fuseli
The Nightmare
Victoria & Albert Museum

Henry Fuseli
Three Women & Recumbent Man
c. 1809
Victoria & Albert Museum

Henry Fuseli
Saul & the Witch of Endor
late 18th century
Victoria & Albert Museum